Friday, March 17, 2006

"Happy Paddy's, Indult Hotline..."

From Lancaster Intelligencer-Journal, the diocese of Harrisburg changes its policy in a groundbreaking way:
[After refusing to grant the corned beef indult previously, t]he Diocese of Harrisburg, however, is now making that meal possible for those who ask.

Acting under the direction of Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades, the Rev. James M. Lyons, vicar general of the Harrisburg Diocese, can grant individual dispensations to those who call and ask.

"Bishop Rhoades appreciates the tradition some people have for eating corned beef and cabbage on St. Patrick's Day and has given me power to grant individual dispensations in order to allow it," Lyons said. "All they need do is call and ask, and dispensation can be given."
If you're in the HBG, the Indult Hotline's number is given at the end of the article. Knock yourself out.
