Thursday, November 10, 2005

Fellay: "I Am Not an Anti-pope!"

Papabile sends along a couple goodies from hiatus.... 30 giorni is chock full of Trads this month.

First off, Schismatic-in-Chief Bernard Fellay takes a turn
Did you have occasion to repeat your conditions for shortening the time for a full rapprochement?
FELLAY: We don’t want to set [before] the Holy Father previous conditions. It is not our intention to impose any diktat. That is not our position. We only say that if we want to build a bridge, we should necessarily think first of the piers that must support it.

The first pier would be liberalization in the use of the so-called Tridentine mass.
FELLAY: What interests us is that in the Church the climate of generalized hostility, at times persecutory, should change toward all that is considered traditional, toward all that is tied to the Tradition. And this at present makes normal life impossible for those Catholics who are tied to the Tradition. Our suggestion for changing this climate is that what is already a situation of existing law be formally declared, and that is that the mass of Saint Pius V has never been abolished and hence can be freely celebrated by all. It doesn’t seem an exorbitant request to us. It would be very useful in changing the hostile climate surrounding the whole traditionalist world.

The second pier would be then the revocation of the excommunications given out by the Holy See in 1988.
FELLAY: In our group there is mistrust of the ecclesiastical authority because of sufferings undergone in the past and down to today. And to overcome this mistrust the revocation of the so-called excommunication would be a very timely solution, given that, furthermore, it is founded on an alleged schism that in reality doesn’t exist....

Monsignor Fellay, your critical stances on the ecumenicalism encouraged by the Holy See after Vatican Council II are known. But do you have contacts with other Churches or ecclesial communities?
FELLAY: There are contacts with Orthodox priests and bishops. It sometimes happens that they turn to us with sympathy because they consider us anti-Roman schismatics. We don’t like that at all. We are not schismatics and we care very greatly for the bond with Rome. And then there have been Orthodox bishops who have asked to belong to the Catholic Church through belonging to our Fraternity. To those I have always answered that they must address themselves to the Bishop of Rome, to the Pope. We are not and don’t want to be a parallel Church, and I am not an antipope!
"[A]n alleged schism that in reality doesn't exist...." "We are not schismatics." "We are not... a parallel Church."

Hmm. Methinks the schismatic doth protest too much.

Isn't the first step to solving your problem the realization that you have a problem? Further confirmation that we've a ways to go before the Great Econian Submission is realized.



Blogger thirsty scribe said...

"We are not schismatics and we care very greatly for the bond with Rome."

If only that were so. As usual the SSPX is rife with contradictions, for in other places, they claim "not to be attached to this Rome, but to the Eternal Rome."

In any case, I've heard Fellay speak before, and he struck me as a deeply spiritual man.

10/11/05 16:54  
Blogger thirsty scribe said...

Reality bites. Especially for traditionalists, who refuse to admit the obvious.

As for ecumenism as the model for reconciliation, isn't this another example of contradiction? Read their literature and see, that ECUMENISM is a big bad word. So ecumenism with the Protestant and Orthodox is 'compromise on Catholic truth', but ecumenism with the SSPX is acceptable.

Sorry guys. You can't have it both ways.

10/11/05 18:32  
Blogger thirsty scribe said...

You are right about the reason for doing ecumenism. But perhaps you missed my point. The point was, Pius X's are on record as repudiating the very idea of ecumenism. For them to suggest this as a way forward, seems to me, a little dishonest.

Indeed, the Pius X'rs are right about some things: that what is most sacred and holy, would overnight, become reprobate and shameful, even heretical, is a scandal of huge proportions.

10/11/05 23:12  
Blogger gabriel said...

Methinks the schismatic doth protest too much.

Ordinarily, I'd say that's a moderately clever witticism. However, given that in the accompanying interview with Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos, it is clearly indicated that even senior cardinals are ignorant of the fact that the SSPX is not sedevacantist, it is entirely appropriate that Msgr. Fellay do his utmost to dispel such misconceptions.

And with regards to the "schism" count, while I am agnostic about the charge, Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos does refer to a "situation of separation", differentiating it from a "formal schism."

I think we can be critical of the SSPX without falling into an uncharitable attitude.

12/11/05 04:22  
Blogger Geoffrey Gilbert said...

The Society of Saint Piux the Tenth is not now, nor has it ever been, in a state of schism. Even several high-ranking members of the Vatican have admitted as much. It is largely the complicity of the Modernists who have allowed this perception to continue. It was well and proper for HE Bp. Fellay to visit Rome and pay homage to the Holy Father.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum

15/11/05 08:54  

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