Thursday, September 15, 2005

Games Theo-Cons Play

USCCB-hate is running high at Dom Bettinelli's place today.... Well, honestly, should that come as a surprise to anyone?

But it seems that he's setting up a dynamic where child and youth protection -- i.e. repairing the harm done by the kid-touchers who screamed "Magisterium!" but ended up warping the institution's credibility of late -- must be prostrated to the "pro-life" (read: anti-abortion) message, as if the two are incompatible. Apparently, the head of the Conference's Child and Youth Protection efforts is a consultant to an arm of a group who's next door neighbor's aunt's mother-in-law's sister, or something like that, is in Dom's depiction, "pro-abortion" and "rabid[ly] anti-chastity."

Oh, and he compares the official, Teresa Kettlecamp, to an affiliate of the KKK.

Good grief. Fifth Floor, I'm united with you today in a special way. Just know that.

Because no one is served by a "pro-life means detonating child and youth protection" stance, we must recall some things for the sake of sanity and balance:

1. The self-same Cardinal Law who enabled and shuffled the kid-touchers did so while serving as Church Spokesman #1 to the Sanctity of All Life, particularly the unborn, as head of the USCCB Committee for Pro-Life (read: anti-abortion) Activities. Bernie was tres anti-abortion, that we know, but knowing the record as we do, can we honestly say that he was "pro-life"? It's like calling the thrice-married Deal Hudson an exemplar of family values.

2. As I'll say until the Trads come home, issues of domestic violence, child abuse, child sex abuse, racial profiling, rape, education, health care, etc. etc. etc. are pro-life concerns. But then again, as many of the "Anti-abortion = pro-life" (it's a big part of it, darlings, but not the whole puzzle) crowd are white, middle-class, live in the 'burbs and don't have to deal with those, such life issues are out of sight and, ergo, out of mind. Folks, come back to reality.

3. If the bishops really wanted cred on proclaiming human life and dignity, for the millionth time, they would've really worked hard on a consistent ethic of life long before they got caught with their pants down. But now, even now, you've still got the March for Birth crowd pulling hardball legal tactics with victims and Bill Donohue calling those same victims "vultures" and ranting about the "victimization of the Catholic Church." The "pro-life" (read: anti-abortion) message screams one word right now, and that word is "sham." We're morally obligated to handle our own business before we start bitching about the ills of society.

In sum, people, it doesn't add up. Either things are pro-life or they're not -- and you've even got the Bush-appointed Chief Justice-in-Waiting saying that Roe is "settled and entitled to respect." If the work being done to support the post-born who've been harmed -- not to mention the institution's necessary contrition for the harm done -- is being steamrolled, an "anti-abortion = pro-life" message rings ever more hollow.

Beware of picking the low-hanging fruit and thinking you've conquered the tree.



Blogger Dad29 said...

Gee, Rocco--that's not exactly what BettNet reports.

Seems that a USCCB official is a member of the Board of the National Center for Women and Policing, an arm of the Feminist Majority Coalition.

That would be like, say, a Diocesan priest being a member of the XYZ Center for Homosexuals and Policing, an arm of the GLSEN.

Board Membership, in and of itself, implies consent with the agenda of the organization directed by the Board.

With all that advanced education you yap about, didn't you learn how to 1) read accurately and 2) understand the nature of governance?

15/9/05 21:12  
Blogger CDE said...


I hesitate to offer technical assistance to you in regard to a podcast when you engage in this sort of hostile silliness.

Giving you assistance would be like offering another stick of gum to the child in Willy Wonka who is already turning into a giant blueberry...

16/9/05 09:55  
Blogger Mark Adams said...

the head of the Conference's Child and Youth Protection efforts is a consultant to an arm of a group who's next door neighbor's aunt's mother-in-law's sister, or something like that,

Rocco, Actually she's on the advisory board of a pro-abortion, feminst organization. It's not real complicated. Perhaps you should read the post first before commenting on it.

16/9/05 13:28  

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