Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Eternal Word Chest Thumping

"She's the most influential and powerful woman in the Catholic Church."

Who could it be? Mary? Mary Magdalene? Ingrid? Hendrickx? Tekla? Bl. Teresa?

According to Raymond Arroyo, none of the above. The "correct" answer is Mother Angelica.

So it seems ecclesiastical "power" is worthy of exaltation and braggadocio now? Forgive me, friends, I'm so behind the times; here I am, thinking all through the years that quiet service was the charism to be sought, and to be wary of those who boast of their power over others.

Well, if the people in question are Mother Angelica and the adherents of the Alabama Rite, I should've known by now that the rules of humility don't necessarily apply.

For what it's worth, my vote still lies with the Schoenstatts; they've never once skirted the edges of Schismville. And they actually serve -- what a novelty!

Of course, if I ever heard one of them say, "I’m afraid my obedience in that diocese would be absolutely zero. And I hope everybody else’s in that diocese is zero," I'd have to find a new favorite. But I don't think that'll be happening anytime soon....



Blogger Curmudgeon said...

Not an absolute fan of EWTN, and uncomfortable with the emphasis on personalities both in Birmingham and Rome, but whatever their imperfections, the so-called "Alabama rite" is the rite of the church, moreso than the goofball masses one gets in prgressive parishes, and you undermine your own credibility to state that they've has skirted the edges of schism.

14/9/05 22:35  
Blogger Disgusted in DC said...

Fortunately, Mother Angelica backed down her recommendation for LA Catholics to break ranks with Cardinal Mahony. She and the Church have moved beyond that ugly incident, and so should everyone else. As to whether she plays nice-nice with other Poor Clare monasteries, who cares? The liturgy is pretty good, save the dreary depressing choir, and it sure beats the Marty Haugenized televised mass from St. Anne's Shrine (*ack!*). My beefs with EWTN are that (a) it is for the most part a crashingly dull network and (b) some of their theological experts - particularly on the web - are incorrigibly obscurantist.

15/9/05 08:43  
Blogger Jason C. said...

It's very funny how history repeats itself. Mother Angelica is hardly the first Saint to be reviled by her contemporaries. Her spiritual Father St. Francis was himself derided once or twice.

Who ever said Saints were perfect? Who ever said they never made mistakes?

Is Mother Angelica perfect? No. That's exactly why she is a Saint.

I hope I live to see the day her picture is unfurled in St. Peter's Square.

18/9/05 20:48  

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