The Richness of Faith

A Catholic Funeral by Patricia Rice is a newly-released primer from Liguori Press on the elements of the funeral liturgy, intended to showcase and make accessible the church's beautifully rich tradition of its rites of death and burial.
It succeeds mightily and I recommend it to the skies.
The author, one of many staffers who have accepted a recent buyout offer from the new owners of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, is a journalist of the highest order.
It's a rare reporter who can get bishops on the phone before her morning coffee. Eminently respected both by her colleagues and the hierarchy she covered for a decade both in America and beyond, no journalist has the professional command of Things Church that Pat does. A Catholic Funeral combines the best of scholarship, journalism and faith to provide an enlightening service for a moment which, far too often, is not seen for what it could and should be -- a moment of life and hope.
The book's costs $3.95 through Liguori's online store.
Everyone should have one.... Pastors, buy in bulk.
Liguori? As in Alphonsus Maria de Liguori? The 18th century bearded Mary? :P
Looks like a good book.
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