Tuesday, September 20, 2005

"I Have to Tell You What the Pope Thinks"

Not to pile any more on the Iraq bandwagon, but Cardinal Pio Laghi -- the former pro-nuncio to the US who served as the special papal envoy to Washington in the run-up to Gulf War II -- has given an exceptional interview to RAI radio in Italy, chronicled in La Stampa (in Italian).

Laghi brought Bush a letter from John Paul pleading for peace. He claims that POTUS just laid it aside. Before meeting with the President, he spoke of a session with the then-National Security Adviser Condoleeza Rice, who "submitted [Laghi] to a forceful interrogation, with its natural responses."

"It was a conversation in which we spoke with great clarity and great frankness," the veteran diplomat said.

At the start of his 40 minute session with President Bush, Cardinal Laghi hand-delivered the papal appeal for peace. But, according to Laghi,
"The president... took it, put it aside and then began to speak to me, I wouldn't say to indoctrinate me, but to insist on the fact that he had already selected a solution and that this solution was a just one. He gave me forty minutes, and at a certain point I had to stop him and say: 'Mr. President, I have come to speak with you, not solely to listen to you. I have to tell you what the Pope thinks.'"
One of many, many moments when -- despite all the spin and pandering -- George Bush did not equal John Paul. He went to the man's funeral, but didn't even want to listen to him in his lifetime.... Hmm.



Blogger Rich Leonardi said...


Doesn't Cardinal Laghi's recollection strike you as ... odd? What interest would Bush have in "dissing" the Pope? He's a shrewd enough politician to have played "let's pretend" if really had made up his mind before the meeting.

20/9/05 13:20  
Blogger Todd said...

Politicians have dissed the poep all the time. Who was it who joked about how many military divisions the Vatican had?

Laghi's story matches up with what we know about the hubris of the Bush administration. Laghi may be a fool, a political oppotunist, senile, or whatever, but his story might also be dead-on accurate. What then?

20/9/05 13:30  
Blogger Jason C. said...

While I'm sure Laghi is speaking honestly, perspective always needs to be taken into account. He obviously had very strong views about the war, and his experience of the meeting may be different from others. What he took as "brushing aside" may have been entirely innocent.

Maybe not. President Bush is not Catholic. Although he respected the Holy Father, he did not believe him endowed with special authority. The Pope is one among many religious figures who would like to lend their voice to the President of the free world. For Laghi, as a Catholic, his view is "please, if you're going to listen to anyone, listen to the Pope". For Bush, as a non-Catholic statesman, his view is "ok, you made your case. There are religious figures in my own country who disagree with you. I'm willing to hear all sides, but I'm not going to hold any preeminent over the others".

20/9/05 14:20  
Blogger Ian said...

Rocco, had Kerry been president and the Papal envoy wanted to have a conversation about his abortion policy, would you have bothered to post about him brushing aside the envoy's comments?

20/9/05 14:51  
Blogger Vonshui said...

Laghi, even outside meetings with the president, is and has always been known for his vehement anti-Americanism.

We need not get into the bones of his own closet, extensive though they are...Meanwhile, Laghi calling POTUS and his administration apathetic to the Vatican's cause is the pot calling the kettle Marian Blue.

Lets recall the famous slap in-the-face by Laghi and his legion of secretaries. One of the highest ranking officials within the president's cabinet (DOD I believe, name escapes me) showed up for a meeting with what was supposed to have been a rep. of the Roman Pontiff (LAGHI). Instead, he was short-changed and met with a secretary of a secretary of a secretary of someone who was being fitted at Gamarellis of that guy's secretary. It might as well have been the curial cleaning woman. The cabinet member was told "thank you, your concerns shall be passed on." AT THAT WAS IT!!!!!!!!! Remember, this is the 11th hour before the war was set to begin...the Vatican's last "plea for peace" was nothing more than a waste of American air fuel. That was one of the most embarassing incidents preceeding the war as the U.S. did NOT let the Vatican forget the dis. Of course, from the files of hypocrisy we have JP2 funneling millions of Peter's Pence ("THE AMERICAN PURSE") and Vatican dollars to Polish revolutionaries within his first two years of the Petrine occupation. Oh, I suppose only eastern Europeans deserve democracy...silly me.

Back to Real Politik:
Where was Laghi to meet the American diplomat?
MEETING FOR HOURS with Saddam's #1 of course, "sympathetic to the cause of the Iraqi people", "ensuring Iraq the Vatican's full support", lending a friendly Vatican ear as always to tyrannical regimes. What "Iraqi" people? The only people then were "SADDAM'S PEOPLE".

The Vatican is rife with Anti-Americanism, yet we are, as in every other international organization, the spine and largest financial contributor to ideas headed by people that can't stand us.

I visit the Papal State only when I HAVE TO and NEVER give to Peter's "American Purse". Its meant poor Laghi has to suffer from a few cuff-links, but in the end, I feel great!

20/9/05 15:00  
Blogger Vonshui said...

*less cuff-links that is...

20/9/05 15:02  
Blogger Vonshui said...

Absurd: adj. meaning Ridiculous to the point of being laughable.

I hardly think Iraq's plight is laughable especially when the Poles were finally free and they opted to RE-ELECT communist officials BACK into ALL OF THEIR GOVERNMENT'S SEATS...thats a lot of wasted Vatican coinage, needlessly, its also a slap-in-face to everyone that prayed for their freedom.

I do have a love for Pologna, but sometimes I wonder if all of the jokes really are true.

That said, what is the difference between Arabs and Poles fighting for the exact same thing aided by the SAME ALLIES...even "anti-war" JP2 had to admit Regan played the LARGEST and most fundamental role in destroying the Iron Curtain.

20/9/05 18:04  
Blogger Vonshui said...

Did'nt mean to crap on the Gipper...


20/9/05 18:10  
Blogger Rich Leonardi said...

Laghi's story matches up with what we know about the hubris of the Bush administration. Laghi may be a fool, a political oppotunist, senile, or whatever, but his story might also be dead-on accurate. What then?

Perhaps with what you know. More likely it's the fruit of that gift of exaggeration my Italian brothers are known for.

21/9/05 13:21  
Blogger Vonshui said...

According to Greg Y, each of the revolutionaries executed by the hand of Saddam and later found in mass graves all died in vain.

Freedom is an inate, human right, an "imposition" of which is IMPOSSIBLE, it is a borne dignity by God (no, I dont think GW is God-sent). Those who do not wish it may look at Iran or Saudia Arabia for an indication of their future, additionally, I believe the TALIBAN would not mind another cabinet member.

Bush has picked up where the Gipper left off.


21/9/05 15:16  

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