Monday, September 19, 2005

Red-State Penguins?

While continuing to peruse my morning papers, I found an article which confirms how far out of the conservative media-loop I am....

The stars of March of the Penguins seem to endure the worst of all worlds: almost nonexistent sex lives that nonetheless lead them to parenthood, total self-sacrifice, and endless suffering.

Conservatives are loving it.

"It demonstrated qualities of sacrifice and devotion and the importance of child rearing and bringing the next generation into the world," says Michael Medved, who hosts a conservative radio talk show in Seattle. He said this was the first movie many of his listeners had seen since The Passion of the Christ.

Other conservatives such as National Review editor Rich Lowry have publicly extolled the film and set up the penguins as paragons of family values.

What? I love National Review, but penguins as paragons? Ummmm....

The piece goes on to state that most of the movie was either staged, flubbed or taken out of context. No wonder conservatives love it.



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