Wednesday, September 14, 2005


One of our kind Roman friends is hearing that "they've already decided what archdiocese to send [Cardinal Re] to." (Remember that the quinquennium of the prefect of Bishops is up on the 17th -- three days away... and we all know how they love posting Curial changes on Saturday, which also happens to be three days away.)

But if Big Boss was really planning to send every last Italian curial cardinal to a diocese, the CEI would be stacked for a quarter-century or more. Sepe to Naples, Marini to Ischia, Re to where?

I'm also told that "Benedict has been reforming the Papal Household - apparently money had been changing hands for prime seats at Papal audiences."

We're talking about Italians, people. If money-for-seats is a surprise to anyone, I've got just the bridge for you!

Ascesa il prefetto tedesco... venire cambi di piu.



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