Sunday, June 05, 2005

From the Inbox: Welcome to My World

Wow. Misery sure does love company, especially company that won't join it.

Last week, I spoke of how certain hurting people seek to propogate their pain and anger at the world by just lashing out in a cry for help. I hear from them all the time, and their misdirected fury is just painful to read. But, as I'd like to be as open as I can with everyone here, this is a sample of what I get.

I don't reply to anonymous e.mails, because if people really wanted to be taken seriously they would have no shame in identifying themselves. But here's one, and I leave it and its writer to your judgment, which is wiser than mine. Subject line was "coward."

Just checking in Rocco--since you have not the fortitude to respond to my last comments. Let's just call this one a draw with me being charitable to you.
You are a terrible writer--and I do mean terrible. Your grammar and sentence construction are up there with most graduate student levels. Couple that with the fact that you have awful instincts and obvious axes to grind (in between grinding your nose into Rigali's rear) and you've got yourself one helluva a terrible blog. You can tell by how few people respond to your posts that most people read your garbage and say "huh?"
Your views are all over the map and you can barely defend your constant butt kissing to gravely pompous churchmen. I feel sorry for you.
So far you have made great strides shamelessly begging media people to consider you an expert and pimping yourself out to any dope with a microphone or pen, but , as I said, it's going to be fun watching what credibility you have getting blown off the
map. And you can continue being a coward by not responding, but soon enough you will know who I am, and there's not a thing I'll be printing that you will have the balls to put on your blog.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone... I'm guessing this guy is just a lot holier than I am. Certainly seems more balanced and professional, no?



Blogger Jacob said...

That guy needs to go to the Tolerance Concentration Camp from South Park. He can fingerpaint his way toward a more tolerant attitude.

6/6/05 09:32  

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