Thursday, October 06, 2005

Williamson: I <3 Schism

Our good friend Papabile has resurfaced, ever briefly, to send me an interview with the always colourful schismatic Richard Williamson from the Society of St. Pius X.

Williamson -- one of the world's pre-eminent Holocaust deniers, misogynists and anti-Semites -- answered 10 questions from the AngelQueen forums....

Here are some snips:
AQ: Leaving aside the debate in some circles as to whether the supposed latae sentiae excommunications are binding or even valid, if they were lifted "no strings attached" would you view this as a positive development?

Bp. Williamson: If the present "excommunication" upon the Society's four bishops, dating from 1988, were declared null or non-existent, with -genuinely- "no strings attached", that could be a very positive development. Yet it should be borne in mind that Providence may have had good reason to allow the Society and its bishops to be "marginalized". The marginalization may well have served to protect the Society, and may still be doing so.

AQ: If Rome were to declare that no permission was needed for the Tridentine Mass to be offered, do you see any downside to such a situation?

Bp. Williamson: If Rome liberated the Tridentine Mass so as to allow any Catholic priest to say it, with no need to ask anybody for permission, there would be a considerable upside. Grace, presently strangled by the new rite of Mass, could start flowing again in large quantities all over the Catholic world.

But there would also be a downside -the risk of some Catholics, presently enjoying the Tridentine Mass embedded in the fullness of Catholic doctrine, going over to attending the Tridentine rite surrounded by Conciliar doctrine and practice, e.g. in centers of the Society of St. Peter. It is as wise to accept half a bottle of wine in place of nothing, as it is foolish to want half a bottle in place of a full bottle.
OK, so if this off-the-reservationist is to be believed, SSPX contains the totality of revelation, the Novus Ordo strangles grace, people who are actually in valid communion with the Holy See and attend the 1962 Mass are still missing out -- and, oh yeah, schism is God's gift.

As if we needed reminding, Williamson repeats the latter point
AQ: Have you ever had any regrets that you became an ordained bishop in the Society of Saint Pius X?

Bp. Williamson: None. Spelt N-O-N-E.
Thanks for clarifying, Richie. It's like asking a woman if she regretted "becoming an ordained priest" in the middle of the Saint Lawrence River.

And what would a Williamson interview be without another salvo at the Pope and the Council?
Bp. Williamson: In Rome's present way of thinking and acting, Rome can only seek for an agreement with the Society which would enable it to put an end to the Society's resistance to what Rome has been doing -and has been waiting to do- ever since Vatican II, i.e. revolutionize the Catholic religion, and make it over into quite a different religion. As things stand now, for there to be an "agreement", either Rome - neo-modernist Rome - drops its neo-modernism, or the Society betrays its Catholicism, or half and half, etc. We pray to God that Rome may convert. We beg God that the Society may not betray.
As if the last month's interview with Schismatic-in-Chief Bernard Fellay didn't sink the Trad cause enough, there goes the reconciliation. There goes the universal indult.... Right down the drain.



Blogger Geoffrey Gilbert said...

The bizzare part about lamenting the supposed loss of the "universal indult" is that the Mass of All Ages has never been suppressed: it's simply been ignored by a very bad interpretation of the pastoral, Second Vatican Council.

However, these poor interpretations have allowed the conciliar church to begin teaching things that are definitely not Catholic. It is a good thing that the SSPX does what it does in maintaining tradition or nobody would.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum

15/11/05 12:55  

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