Saturday, September 03, 2005

Reader Request

Going over the inbox, I get queries from time to time about various things... Here's one I'd love to help with but am pretty powerless to tackle on my own, so can anyone pitch in for a mother of six who wants to form her kids with nothing but the best -- and I mean that:
We are attending Latin Mass here and I have one 1957 Missal. I have been hounding the net for used missals rather than buying new ones. I just thought you might know of someone who sells olde4r/original pre-vatican II Missals. And if you know if there are variations for the kids??

Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.. I would need 3 adult missals for the older boys and 3 childrens missals for the younger ones.
Her name's Yvonne and she can be reached here. All thanks in advance to everyone.

And for all you Cultic Warriors seeking a copy of Il Libro della Vita Cultica (James-Charles Noonan's The Church Visible) a mint copy -- so well-researched it's got a photo of Roger Mahony in fiddle-back and lace -- is being auctioned on eBay on the cheap. Place your bids... copies of it usually go for $500+, so it's a steal!



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