Friday, September 02, 2005

Modern Day Genocide

It's quickly becoming clear that rude factors are at play in the slowness of the Katrina relief efforts.... And POTUS is feeling the people's pain from his plane, with the effect of cleansing the news cycle of anything too horrid (i.e. truth-tellin).

The Revealer -- NYU's superlative blog on religion and the press -- has run an op-ed by Anthea Butler, a professor of African-American religion at the University of Rochester.
Folks, it is time to take a good hard look at this nation. We have an administration that wants to rebuild Iraq, to bring Freedom, but generations of black people in this country have never been free, they have just been poor. We can't even fix our own infrastructure, yet Halliburton gets the contracts to rebuild Iraq? Who will rebuild the gulf coast? When will the hordes of flag-waving, Christian Republicans realize that we are as sheep without a shepard? Bush's Christianity makes me want to puke. If Bush can claim to be a Christian, after smirking in his Rose Garden address about people wanting the help quickly, then he should start to put anti-Christ before his name.
Wow. That's power right there... Give it a good, thoughtful read. Tip to Jimmy.



Blogger Vonshui said...

Disaster relief is not akin to invading or rebuilding a country. Why the comparison?

Invasion and reconstruction are two things which are prepared months and years ahead, regardless of their morality. The spontaneity and reflexes required in a natural disaster situation are too quick for a system as large as the US government. Let us remember who gave the biggest chunk of change and man power when the Tsunami ravaged the east. America and yes, not even Bush is seeking to destory their own people.

Bush, if not for political purposes, does care. I suppose your throw-back writer quoted above has been watching the news lately, noticing that 99.9% of those left behind in New Orleans are in fact black. The rioting, looting, murder, raping etc. is being committed by those left behind -- again, many of them black. If that commentator has any sense, before throwing off criticism of those behind her agenda, she should make a short stare of the situation. We are trying to help, but are these people helping themselves?

I hardly see the productivity found in murder and rape, looting is a maybe. America is not responsible for an entire race of people's actions. The fact that many blacks are poor is sad, but the real sad thing is MANY PEOPLE ARE POOR. To shluff the tragedy into a race issue is insulting to charity and those who really do need help. Both you and your idolized writer need a clue. Get one from reality.

Bush hating might turn-on a few prelates, but it hardly does a damn thing for anyone or any cause truly seeking progress.

2/9/05 14:45  
Blogger Vonshui said...

Someone else has been thinking of the race issue, but a little more realistically: quoting the suffering people themselves, not over-paid university professors sitting in air-conditioned offices pontificating the socio-psychological reasons behind the plight of everone else against "the man", whilst the suffering are dying of cholera, typhoid, starvation and dehydration.

2/9/05 14:57  
Blogger Disgusted in DC said...

I'm angry about the failure of the federal government's response, but genocide??? This woman is a kook who has nothing worthwhile to say or offer. She ought to be run out of the academy on a rail for supine stupidity.

2/9/05 15:12  
Blogger Animadversor said...

I hesitantly beg to suggest to those who write comments on blogs that they download and install ieSpell, a spell-checker for IE, or perhaps SpellBound for Mozilla and Firefox. The former has saved me from several foolish errors in my postings, though unfortunately only the orthographic kind.

2/9/05 17:19  
Blogger jennstall said...

Thank you, Rocco. I've been trying to explain to some Canadians why I think this is much more than just an issue of "poverty" and you've provided me with a very useful link. Keep on trucking!

2/9/05 20:44  

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