Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Faith In Action...

Luscious, ain't it? Well, how 'bout we put it to good (as opposed to ostentatious) use? We got the reminder that cardinals were the first supermodels, you can stop the show now....

Because we know trads have money and are willing to invest it in all things luxe, I have an idea: How bout we sell a couple cappa magne and give the proceeds to Katrina Relief? Hey, it'll free those train-bearers (the resurrection of a treasured "liturgical" ministry) up to actually do something productive in their own time instead of modelling and page duties at a Medieval secular court.

If the treasures of the church aren't ultimately destined for the good of the world and the benefit of others, what's their use in the first place?

And, oh, for those who are wondering what that red thing is that ate Cardinal Pell, here's the resource you're looking for.



Blogger Disgusted in DC said...

The same argument could be made of gee-tars, pianos, and other instruments of the folk mass ensemble. The cappa magna was perfectly appropriate in the context of the Juventutem mass.

7/9/05 11:08  
Blogger Disgusted in DC said...

Oh, I think it would be quite nice, Gyrovagus, though I wouldn't be too upset if he doesn't do it, either (which I suspect is the case). I was reacting against the shopworn "why does the Church have fancy things when there are poor people" arguments.

7/9/05 11:30  
Blogger Jason C. said...

This reminds of the Fulton Sheen story about a priest who was ranting and raving against the material possessions of the Church, to which the good Archbishop responded by asking him how much he had embezzled from his parish.

Any skeletons in your closet, Rocco? ;)

7/9/05 12:05  

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