
Sunday, February 26, 2006

Now From the Canonry Descending

Building on the exclusive report published here two weeks ago, Msgr. Canon Paul McInerny was spotted this morning vested in rochet, mantelletta and the biretta with red tuft -- the vestural symbols of his new post -- in the precincts of St. Mary Major.

A source tells me that, in accord with the time-honored custom of the Patriarchal Liberian Basilica, the formal investiture of McInerny, secretary to Cardinal Bernard Law, as a Canon of the Basilica took place in the Maggiore's Sforzi chapel last Sunday morning. He is now entitled to all the lifetime privileges of the appointment, including a monthly salary and ample lodging in the Canonry adjacent to the oldest church in the world placed under the patronage of the Mother of Jesus.

No, that isn't Macca at left with Prince Albert; that shot's there just in case you wanted to see what the canon's new clothes look like. Grazie to Don Jim's Dappled Photos, from which this photo was shamelessly pilfered.
