
Sunday, February 26, 2006

Introibo ad Altare Dei....

You know, every so often I check eBay, not that I'd ever buy anything on it, but still.

And there seems to be a cottage industry of church-goods sellers on it, vending everything from zucchetti to cards on which are written every Wojtyla Daughter's favorite prayer, The Beautiful Hands of a Priest. (Blech.)

It's the closest thing we'll likely ever get to a virtual Gammarelli, just without Signor Roberto's gregariousness and good humor.

Anyways, I came across something which'd be of interest to both liturgy nuts and history buffs -- both of which I have some trace of, deep down inside....

It's an old Roman Missal, an American-made one specifically manufactured for military chaplains during World War II. Pretty sweet explanation there of the history behind its manufacture, and good shots of something which, in many ways, is a relic. The above is the Canon page of it....

So if you have an interest in these things, do check it out. And good luck to the bidders.
