"Inconclusive Vote"

In reverse order, highlights from the live-tweet:
George asks what's going on. Seratelli says Trautman is speaking against his own amendment, which was partially accepted....And there's your first draft of history.
Abp Lipscomb raises question of changing a vote, realizing his impact on the total. George asks to move agenda along....
Paprocki says now that we have public results; how about re-votes? Proposal called disastrous b/c of angling for two or three bishops....
Vigneron asks if mail vote would go to, say, a Latin Rite bishop named next week. Only bishops now will vote, George says....
Inconclusive vote tally was 134 yes, 47 no, 5 abstain; 163 total needed to pass. Seratelli reiterates loss of say by bishops if they stall....
Bishops are voting on motion to see results of inconclusive votes....
Mahony says his absent auxiliary bishops would find all info, including the count, helpful....
Bishop Pfeifer says [absent] bishops are connected by phone, email, etc. They know what's up....
Seratelli says if [bishops] reject [proposed missal] texts, they come back in November with three new texts, and if rejected then, no more say in it.
PHOTO: Billy Calzada/San Antonio Express-News
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