Monday, August 14, 2006

New Releases

So, as if the 46-page color commemorative booklet and celebratory ice bust weren't enough, the archdiocese of Detroit has gone on a burning spree and sent out a load of (very nicely produced) DVDs of Cardinal Adam Maida's Golden Jubilee Mass, which took place in June.

I know this as I happen to have obtained a copy. (Kudos to whoever picked the opening hymn, a longtime favorite: "Christ is Made the Sure Foundation.")

The two-disc set also includes "A Conversation with Cardinal Maida," which I haven't gotten around to watching just yet, but hope to sometime between now and the acceptance of the 76 year-old cardinal's retirement, which some were expecting before the vacation season.

As it doesn't seem the JPII Center/White Elephant's budget difficulties are being met -- and, evidently, Detroit's not doing much to remedy the shortfall owed to it -- I'm kicking around the idea of auctioning off this set and sending the proceeds to Washington with the words "Because $40 million has to start somewhere" in the memo line.

That is, if I can write small enough to fit that all in. You all know how tricky memo lines can be.

In case you're interested, the across-the-board name coming up to succeed Maida is that of another JP Center board member: Archbishop John Myers of Newark. Others pop up from time to time, but Myers -- who, several authoritative reports say, was on the terna for Washington -- has a clear lead in the buzzmill. We'll see what happens; he may be retired now, but Cardinal Szoka still sits on the Congregation for Bishops and will likely sit as relatore of the Detroit dossier.

Whether the Motor City gets another cardinal, however, is an open question.

On a related note, when I get around to it I'll be sending $12 southward to pick up a copy of Bishop Michael Burbidge's installation in Raleigh some days back. As you'd expect it was, in a word, exquisite.

Despite the bittersweet nature of the event for our crowd, the 200 hometowners who stormed North Carolina for the festivities were well-pleased -- even if the pre-liturgy sight of one of the local clergy in choir cassock and baseball cap served to remind the visiting army that, indeed, they weren't in Philadelphia anymore.
