Friday, January 06, 2006

Empty Barrels Make the Most Noise

The Patron Saint of St. Blog's Comboxes goes off again:
US evangelical broadcaster Pat Robertson suggested Ariel Sharon's stroke was divine retribution for "dividing God's land" of Israel...

As the Israeli prime minister battled for life, Robertson seemed to suggest to viewers on his "700 Club" television show that Sharon was being punished for his policies in Gaza and the West Bank.

"The prophet Joel makes it very clear that God has enmity against those who, quote, 'divide my land.' God considers this land to be his.

"You read the Bible, he says, 'This is my land.' And for any prime minister of Israel who decides he's going carve it up and give it away, God says, 'No. This is mine.' ...

"I prayed with him personally. But here he is at the point of death. He was dividing God's land, and I would say woe unto any prime minister of Israel who takes a similar course to appease the EU, the United Nations or the United States of America."

"God said, 'This land belongs to me, you better leave it alone.'"

In the interest of full disclosure, God also threw the moneychangers out of the Temple.

Ironically enough, the CBN package which preceded Robertson's tirade noted that, "The leader of one terrorist group said the stroke was a gift from God."

So is Robertson giving further voice to terrorist messages or... is he giving further voice to terrorist messages?
