Wednesday, January 25, 2006

DEUS CARITAS EST: Ratzinger-Written, Kung-Approved

From ANSA, a translation....
The Swiss theologian [Fr] Hans Kung has applauded the first encyclical of Pope Ratzinger and desires a second encyclical meant to intesify the dialogue with the far-flung and marginalized groups inside the Catholic church. "As Catholics, we are happy that the first encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI, isn't a manifesto of cultural pessimism or of restrictive sexual morality towards love, but to the contrary takes on central themes under the profile of theology and anthropology," Kung said in a statement released from Tubigen.

With a "respectable, solid" style, this document, according to the theologian, one of the most critical against the then-Cardinal Ratzinger, confronts the theme of love that "for Christians must shine through in their witness."

"Papa Ratzinger takes on with his inimicable theological style a richness of themes of Eros and Agape, of love and charity," and scatters "the delusions that they are different." "A good sign," said Kung, hoping that it is "received warmly, with respect."
Of course, the test of this encyclical will be if people who don't agree with him will start giving Kung love now.

Can't say I'm terribly hopeful about that. But I'm always eager to be surprised.
