One Last Wisp of Red (Mass)

As you can see, these Pool photos are really worth savoring. For someone who lives in the twin ambits of religion and politics, the Washington Red Mass is nothing short of Xanadu.
But one last story which has made its way up I-95.... Anyone who's ever seen Cardinal McCarrick preside knows that he just really likes to engage a congregation whenever possible. He offers warm remarks before the Penitential Rite, a sterling homily, and some final words before the blessing.
Well, it seems he caused a wave or two today with his closing remarks. Of course, one of Uncle Ted's strong points has always been his success at recruiting vocations -- Archbishop McCarrick ordained solid double-digit classes in Newark every year, and Washington's seminary numbers are now greater than they've been in quite some time. And these are no plumbers-turned-priests, either -- they're professionals, academics, well-rounded men. Leaders.
So the Good Cardinal capitalized on this morning's crowd -- the top tier of Officially Catholic Washington -- to invite the "hopefully single" lawyers out there to consider the call. And then, noting young man who's won hearts in the family of the new Chief Justice, he put out the possibility of young Jack Roberts one day being a priest....
As you know, Fr. Jack wouldn't be the first clergyman with a Supreme Daddy.
PHOTO: AP/Pablo Martinez Monsivais
Hey, I get your point about the backgrounds of priests and it is very good for the church but lets not put any "plumber" priests down. After all, the church's very first class of priests were fishermen
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