Lex Credendi est Lex Vestiti

Grazie Dio, it's a Marini Special.
The Pope has taken on use of a very unique set of vestments which seem to be a special-order. Alongside the white (shown here at yesterday's Synod closing liturgy) he's also worn this style in red and another in lime green -- he used the latter to open the Synod. Each is a simple, ample-cut Gothic with an embroidered pattern, usually the Ratzingerian shell. As a departure from customary liturgical vesture, there is no orphrey (the central design down the front or along the shoulders which marks most celebrant's chasubles), a move seemingly undertaken to not distract attention from B16's face, and also to maintain a focus on the distinctive "Petrine Pallium" which this Pope has made his own.
And, of course, a homily snip

Dear and venerated Synodal Fathers, for three weeks we have lived together a climate of renewed Eucharistic fervour. Now I would like, with you and in the name of the entire episcopate, to send a fraternal greeting to the Bishops of the Church in China. We have felt the absence of their representatives with sharp sadness. Nonetheless I want to assure all the Chinese bishops that we are close in prayer to them, their priests and their faithful. The suffered journey of the communities entrusted to their pastoral care, is present in our heart: it will not remain without fruit because it is a participation in the Easter Mystery, for the glory of the Father. The deliberations of the Synod have allowed us to go deeper into salient aspects of this mystery given to the Church from the beginning. Contemplation of the Eucharist must urge all members of the Church, first and foremost priests, ministers of the Eucharist, to renew their faith commitment. The celibacy, received as a precious gift an sign of their undivided love for God and neighbour, is founded on the Eucharistic mystery. For lay people too, Eucharistic spirituality must be the interior motor of every activity and no dichotomy between faith and life in their mission of Christian animation of the world is allowed. As the Year of the Eucharist comes to an end, how not to thank God for so many gifts given to the Church in this time - And how not to take up again the invitation of the beloved Pope John Paul II to "start again from Christ"? Like the disciples of Emmaus who, heartened by the words of the Resurrected One and illuminated by his living presence recognised in the breaking of the bread, returned without lingering to Jerusalem where they became proclaimers of the resurrection of Christ, we too must take up our walk again, animated by the living desire to testify the mystery of this love which gives hope to the world.Hmm. A reaffirmation of celibacy in the Pope's homily -- his first direct comments on the issue. You don't need me to remind you that Ratzi chooses his words with the utmost care.
PHOTOS: AP/Pier Paolo Cito
I loved the line, "...and no dichotomy between faith and life in their mission of Christian animation of the world is ALLOWED."
For the readers on here constantly judging Rocco and anyone in the Church who shows tolerance and charity, B-16 is talkin' to YOU.
An affinity for pop culture and love for humanity is also known as being in the world but not of it. Or do you always choose to ignore the passages where Jesus dined with sinners?
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