Father's Day... Part Deux

(...and why is there no Zenit interview with Joe Tobin???)
The Redemptorists continue their good work in so many apostolates of the life of the church, most prominently in this country through their publishing house and Liguorian magazine and in the unsung trenches of our inner cities. Of course, the lone American bishop to attain the honors of the altar was the first Redemptorist to be professed in America... who also happened to head a diocese which wasn't half bad.
Oh, and my mentor's titular church -- which marked its 150th anniversary last year and its patronal feast today -- is the mother church of the Redemptorists and home to the icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
So happy founder's day to all our Redemptorists out there. God love you all for your good work.
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