Credibilitam Authenticam
The most touching phrase of Arinze's missive is where he says of Liturgiam authenticam (OW-tent'-EE-kahm), the blockbuster 2001 instruction on liturgical translations, that "Both [CDW] and the Bishops’ Conferences are bound to follow its directives."
All well and good. Che gioia and all that.
However, following the logic, if same Dicastery issued a similar decree on another aspect of liturgical life, all parties would be "bound to follow its directives" as well....
...and, if said similar instruction -- issued under the signature of said-same cardinal-prefect -- (wisely) reinforced the Roman church's long-held practice that "The vestment proper to the Priest celebrant at Mass, and in other sacred actions directly connected with Mass unless otherwise indicated, is the chasuble, worn over the alb and stole"....
Then to what do we owe this?

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