
Thursday, February 23, 2006

THE CONSISTORY: Rigali Rejoices

My archbishop (creato e pubblicato nel consistoro del 21 ottobre 2003, nel titolo di S. Prisca) has released his statement congratulating the designates, particularly his longtime friend the Grand Inquisitor, who was ordained out of Camarillo the year before Rigali:
Archbishop Levada, whom I have known for over fifty years, brings deep theological expertise and pastoral experience to his position at the Vatican congregation. The Catholic faithful in Portland, Oregon, and in San Francisco whom he led as bishop no doubt remember him fondly in their prayers. I am certain the faithful of Boston are also gratified by the designation of Archbishop O'Malley, who is a prayerful model of spirituality for the people of God.
I first met Cardinal-designate Sean at Rigali's installation and remain grateful for the assist.
