
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Big Political Confab

You know, I'm surprised that a conference which took place earlier tonight at Boston College didn't get more coverage in the blogging circles.

Then again, it's Boston College... Should we be surprised?

I completely forgot about it until I was trolling for video of Cardinal-designate Sean O'Malley's first post-announcement public appearance -- a confirmation at a Boston-area parish on Sunday -- but BC's continuing program on "The Church in the 21st Century" had a panel discussion on "Catholic Politicians in the US: Their faith and public policy."

As a politico at heart who's done his share of campaign work, you'll have to forgive me, but this is downright drool-worthy.

Moderated by uber-Catholic Tim Russert of NBC's Meet the Press, the table was comprised of two Dems and two Republicans: former RNC chairman Ed Gillespie, Brookings Institution scholar and former NYTimes Rome correspondent E.J. Dionne (who once forgot the name of "that priests' clothing shop" in my presence -- and was promptly reproved for it), James Carville (no introduction needed), and noted Vatican analyst Peggy Noonan (who confused the Book of the Gospels with the Bible in an interview with EWTN).

Such was the demand for seats that the event was held in the BC arena.

Anyways, apparently a live webcast was run (how I wish I was reminded!) and an archived feed will be available here starting tomorrow, Wednesday 1 March.
