Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Dolan on Dorothy

With an eye to the last-minute addition to this meeting's agenda that's become one of its marquee items in terms of interest – namely, a national consultation on moving forward the cause for canonization of Dorothy Day – here's 2010 video of the now conference president on the Catholic Worker foundress:

The required consultation on a cause almost invariably carried out at the regional level, the  rare, if not unprecedented conference-wide discussion is slated to take place in the afternoon session, shortly after the 2pm return from lunch.

While the move is ostensibly intended to tackle up-front the potential controversies surrounding a push for Day's elevation to the altars – whether on the political side or the abortion she had prior to her conversion – it's likewise a Dolanesque nod to his top aide back home: New York's moderator of the curia, Msgr Gregory Mustaciuolo, has been the cause's principal champion of many years and now serves as its postulator.
