Thursday, December 29, 2011

So, gang, this week was supposed to be quiet....

Suffice it to say, though, the news intervened.

As experience goes, that's pretty much par for the course, but the downtime Fire Sale can pick up again next week.

For now, be prepared for not just one, but two significant briefs set to drop tomorrow. In the meanwhile -- especially as these are the kind of things you won't be able to find anywhere else (at least until it's too late)... and not just as the house's Year-End Bills are rather daunting, to boot -- the reminder's in order that these pages keep coming your way solely by means of their readership's support.

Ergo, as you're able to help the shop stay afloat, don't forget the guitar case....

Not to put too fine a point on it or anything but, church, it's either this or the lights get turned off.

As ever, every little bit helps. All thanks in advance... and, yet again, here goes nothin'.

Back to cracking away. But to those among us leaving early for another long weekend, all the gifts, joys and blessings of the New Year to you and yours. And in keeping with the age-old custom of this fold, albeit a day early, let the traditional song of thanks for the year now passing ring out:

To one and all, God love you and yours and bless you with every good thing in the New Year and always. And as these pages head into Year Eight, as they say, here goes another one... and hopefully, thanks to you, even more still.

For all of it, as always, stay tuned.
