The Black Friday (Flash) Mob

See, the retailers don't really care what it's called, so long as the ledgers are flush.
Anyways, here in the River City, Black Friday always hearkens back to a happier, easier age -- every year come today, in a way essentially none of us do the rest of the time anymore, the town heads back in droves to the sprawling urban store that, whoever its latest owner, will forever be known as Wanamaker's....
Just, for the most part, not to shop.

Anyways, all this is backdrop to a "random act of culture" the Wanamaker Grand Court saw some weeks back -- one that's gone viral to no small degree since... and, well, it just seemed like a fitting Black Friday treat/moment of sanity.
For the record, it wasn't in praise of the bargains...
...given the sing-in's lead-in, though, one can't help but think that someone from the local church crowd had something to do with it.
Again, hope you're all enjoying the long weekend... and for those of this crowd keen enough to have taken on the malls today, may your reward have been equal to the effort.
PHOTO: Reuters(1)
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