Remember the... Arzobispo

That said, with a hefty chunk of the pressing bill-cycle handled, there's still a bit to go before your narrator can book a "Fall Classic" that'll feature, among other things, extraordinary forms of Missal Madness and the most wide-open VP race in memory. Again, though, thanks for making this gig's toughest of burdens a whole lot easier already... as ever, it's humbling to the point of speechlessness.
You've heard it before and you'll hear it forever -- your support makes it loads easier for these pages to do the real job at hand: bringing home the news as, well, you seemingly won't find it anywhere else. That alone can be daunting -- for many outlets covering this beat, the budget is (to put it kindly) the easier part -- so the more breathing room your narrator's got with the bottom line, the more brainspace and energy there is to focus on Job #1... and along those lines, put Chile aside for a minute: the donor-brief is still in the works, but some much-awaited news is emerging from the church-mine.

And sure enough, the ground is now rocking in Alamotown -- from various points, multiple sources have indicated that the appointment of Archbishop José Gomez's successor at the helm of the 750,000 Catholics in the nation's seventh-largest city is in the offing, perhaps as soon as Roman Noon tomorrow. Likewise, the three-decade tradition of San Fernando Cathedral as a "Latin" archiepiscopal seat -- a distinction the Riverwalk held alone until April, when it moved with Gomez to the Stateside church's largest outpost, the 5 million-member archdiocese of Los Angeles -- is, indeed, tipped to be preserved.
Suffice it to say, that ain't all.... and for the specifics as they get nailed down, thanks to this readership's support, stay tuned.
PHOTOS: Reuters(1)
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