Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Next Synod: The New Evangelization

In yet another prominent signal of the Vatican's push to spark a new dawn for the church in "the so-called 'first world,'" in his closing homily at today's Synod of Bishops for the MidEast, CNS relays that B16 is to call another Synod -- the fourth of his pontificate -- with a focus on the New Evangelization.

Scheduled for 2012, the next "synodal event" already has its nickname: Rinopalooza.

Given recent debacles, though, one can't help but wonder if the gathering will have internet access. (Or, for that matter, if the newly-formed Pontifical Council for said re-evangelization -- part of its mandate to "study and promote" the internet -- will see its computers by then.)

Yesterday, the two-week MidEast Synod issued the Aula's traditional closing "Message to the People of God." In a unique twist, though, the body's final proposals were made public before their vote... and in response to the patriarchal and eparchal pleas of the fortnight, among them was a plan to study an expansion of the ordination of married clergy.

Lest anyone get too hopped up, though, the call pertains solely to Eastern candidates, albeit in their respective diasporae beyond the dominant territory of each sui iuris patriarchal church.

PHOTO: Reuters
