Tuesday, September 21, 2010

All the News That's Fit to...

Greetings from PopeTrip recovery, gang... still, it's not exactly quiet in the office.

With an eye to getting things your way as quickly and efficiently as possible, your narrator's been spending the day delving into a new platform to do just that....

And, well, hopefully it helps.

Of course, these pages'll still be here for your viewing pleasure (or infuriation), but the Twit-feed will seemingly be useful to rush out quick briefs, blurbs, links and the like, then give the full-out treatment to whatever can be covered here in the depth you've become used to. As not everything is able to be treated full-stop, or simply can't fill a post on its own, it's the best supplement we can muster... and a pretty good one as they go.

Along these lines, an afternoon's helping of links and fresh developments are up, so have at it... and as figuring out the mechanics of it all will take some time -- not to mention that 140 characters barely suffices for "hello" for this scribe -- thanks for your patience, feel free to send whatever pointers you might have...

...and, as ever, 'nuff said.
