Thursday, December 10, 2009

Reflections of the Clay

Lest any of the curious missed it the first time around, CatholicTV's posted an on-demand vidstream of last night's Memorial Mass in St Patrick's Cathedral for the 30th anniversary of Fulton Sheen's death. Likewise up is Archbishop Tim Dolan's homily fulltext.

The liturgy in the Gotham cathedral where Sheen's buried was just one of over 200 such commemorations offered in all 50 states and some thirty-five countries worldwide.

And lastly, for anyone who's never crossed it, also available out there is a free e-formatted version of Sheen's celebrated memoir, Treasure in Clay, the original edition of which closed with the Elegant One's funeral homily, beginning with the memorable line "A voice is silent in the midst of the church and in our land, the like of which will not be heard again in our day."

Three decades later, the like of that Voice still hasn't come again... and just as bad, the fulltext of said preach -- delivered by Sheen's confidant and lead protege Edward O'Meara, the future Indy archbishop who succeeded him at the national helm of the Propagation of the Faith -- is one of the few things unfindable in cyberspace.

PHOTO: Suzanne DeChillo/The New York Times
