Thursday, July 02, 2009

Meet the Press

Earlier this morning, President Obama welcomed eight senior church journalists to the White House for an "unprecedented" listening session in advance of his first meeting with Pope Benedict next Friday.

According to early word, among the group were Jesuit Fr Drew Christiansen, editor of America; National Catholic Reporter ed-in-chief Joe Feuerherd, Legion of Christ Fr Owen Kearns, publisher of the National Catholic Register, Washington Post religion writer Jacqueline Salmon, and Catholic News Service's lead DC correspondent Pat Zapor, who's filed the first post-meet brief, promising "more to come":
President Barack Obama told a morning round table with religion writers July 2 that he was profoundly influenced by the late Cardinal Joseph Bernardin of Chicago when he worked in community organizing there in a project partially funded by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development.

Obama said his encounters with the cardinal continue to influence his approach to social issues that are important to the church.

He also told reporters to expect a conscience clause protection for health care workers that will be no less protective than what existed previously.
Again, "more to come."
