"Good Condition"... But With a Cast

Yet while the first statement came from Sala Stampa director Federico Lombardi SJ, this one was issued from the papal physician, Dr Patrizio Polisca, who was among the small entourage that traveled with the pontiff to his two-week holiday in Les Combes.
In a rush translation from the original Italian, here's fulltext:
The Holy Father, having fallen accidentally in his residence, reported a dislocated fracture of his right wrist.According to early word, the cast will likely remain for a month.
His Holiness was then underwent intervention to reduce and reset it under loco-regional anethesia, with the application of a fixed cast at the Hospital of Aosta.
The general condition of the Holy Father is good.
The Holy Father will return to his residence shortly.
Dr Patrizio Polisca
Aosta 17.07.09
SVILUPPO: Shortly before 4pm local time (10am ET), a "smiling" B16 left the hospital.
PHOTO: Getty
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