Thursday, April 23, 2009

Play Ball

To mark a week since his installation in Gotham (video/homily), Archbishop Tim Dolan began one-on-one sit-downs with the city's media outlets yesterday, tackling questions of same-sex marriage, parish closings, Notre Dame's commencement speaker and his predecessor's midnight musings on priestly celibacy both in print and on the TV:

That said, the New Arrival -- whose three-hour rites of welcome were covered live and uninterrupted by all seven of the Big Apple's major TV outlets -- didn't give his first "exclusive" interview yesterday, but a week ago on WCBS Radio... between pitches at the Yankee home opener.

Meanwhile, with the Installation Wrap-Up Edition of Catholic New York set to roll out later today, 1011's posted its own slideshow from last Wednesday's Mass... and here's just one winner from the 66-shot set.

Get used to the visual, folks... it's one we'll be seeing for a very long time.
