Friday, April 03, 2009

Into the Vin-yard

As expected, this morning the Pope named Vincent Nichols as the eleventh archbishop of Westminster... and Archbishop's House has posted video from the presser:

And the Q&A portion:

The BBC calls the appointee a "tough champion" for the church, while the Guardian hails the choice as "An archbishop for our times" and the Telegraph reports Nichols' comment earlier today that he "swallowed hard and said yes" on learning of the move.

Archbishop of Birmingham since 2000, Nichols' installation has been set for 21 May in Westminster Cathedral.

SVILUPPO: Nichols' page on the Birmingham church's website is filled with, among other things, viral video.

Here, the Pope's choice on why he's a priest...

...and why football -- soccer, as Yanks call it -- is important:
