Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Declaration Eve

To those of us hitting the road early for the Holiday Weekend, all good wishes for a restful, blessed and Happy 4th -- be safe, have fun and hope all it goes great.

As the history buffs of this crowd know, however, July 4th isn't the anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, but of its public release -- though dated the 4th, the founding document was approved by the Continental Congress two days earlier. So, in that light, a Happy (Actual) Independence Day to one and all.

On a related note, it appears this July 2nd finds history repeating itself closer to these pages' home-beat. More as the final kinks are cleared up... but in the meantime, even though the fireworks began last week, you'd be hard-pressed to find a better interlude than the secular rite of the bells and cannons:

As always, stay tuned.

