Mormons to Cardinal: "This Stand is Your Stand"

Cardinal Francis George took the baton as the guest conductor of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and its orchestra at Ravinia Wednesday night, shocking attendees.One of the Windy City's top power couples, while the alderman had drafted the original regret resolution, his jurist-spouse is better known in church circles as the former chair of the bishops' National Review Board on sex-abuse.
The gesture was an outgrowth of the [2004] expression of regret passed by the Legislature at the request of state Reps. Dan Burke and Jack Franks over the death of Mormon leader Joseph Smith outside Nauvoo in the 19th century, and the forced expulsion of his followers, known as the Latter-day Saints.
Even Ald. Ed Burke, who attended Ravinia with his wife, Illinois Supreme Court Justice Anne Burke, was unaware of the cardinal's decision.
According to an attendee, George guided the ensemble through the paces of "This Land is Your Land."
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