Ecce Machina Dei...

With 11 days to go 'til its highly-awaited release, you'd be forgiven for thinking that the Apple iPhone can, indeed, take away the sins of the world....
I'm trying my darndest not to believe it, but it seems a losing battle.
I desperately want one, of course; having staved off the gnawing urge to pick up a smartphone this long, finally giving in would be foolish if it weren't done right. (If nothing else, it'd help with the insane backlog of unanswered e.mail, for which I can't apologize enough.)
A meditation on the device of the moment, the Cult of Mac and its deeper message is up over at BustedHalo.
And in other news from the BH family, congrats to my counterpart in the columns, "Pure Sex, Pure Love" author Christine Whelan, on her Saturday wedding in St Patrick's Cathedral. The fourth generation of her family to take her vows at the nation's sanctuary, a NYTimes wedding announcement was had.
Every blessing and good wish to the new Mr & Mrs Moyers.
PHOTO: Reuters/Kimberly White
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