Friday, September 01, 2006

Return of the Kaiser

Now, here's something interesting.

Earlier this year, you may recall (or might have even engaged in) some wildly entertaining mouth-foaming about the veteran Vatican correspondent Robert Blair Kaiser's A Church in Search of Itself and the author's parallel initiative, a website called

Yesterday, Kaiser got a very notable platform for his message when no less an official outlet than the English programme of Vatican Radio aired an interview with the onetime Jesuit, who spoke of his experiences covering Vatican II for Time magazine, and his take on the church's custodianship of the council's legacy. I'm told that the interview was actually recorded in May, 2005, shortly after the election of Benedict XVI, but for some reason hasn't seen the light of day until now, which makes its airing all the more intriguing.

Yesterday's English programme (link and audio here) also features a tribute to the "brilliant yet baffling" Pope Paul VI, and the latest edition of "The Latin Lover" starring Reggiemagne.

Clicca qua.
