Happy Sant'Egidio Day
Of course, the event has been organized by the Sant'Egidio Community, which some American Catholics see as viciously dissident, even if its founder routinely writes for the front page of that notable fringe-hippie journal, L'Osservatore Romano.
And Andrea Riccardi is fully prepped to show the Stateside crowd what exactly cardinale laico means. (We don't get to see it often enough.) The roster is action-packed -- at least four cardinals, Diarmuid Martin, an all-star assembly of Protestants, Grand Rabbis, Chief Rabbis, Great Rabbis, the rector of Al-Azhar, Islam's most eminent place of scholarship -- and Giuliano Amato and EJ Dionne, to boot.
May a great time be had by all in attendance... and, while you're at it, keep me looped in on the doings.
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