Sunday, November 20, 2005

Learned Society

Just so everyone knows, I'm still working on my Hans Kung story -- it's the kind of thing that has to be pitch-perfect before it runs.

It's been quite the weekend.... Quite the week, actually. Lectures, drinks and boldface names, oh my!

On the heels of Fr Hans, the American Academy of Religion was in town this weekend for their annual powwow, and several readers with titles and honorifics longer than most newly-ordained triumphalist American neocons could ever dream of one day having for themselves (and that alone is saying something) wanted to say hi and compare notes. It was wonderful and enriching as always. But now I'm drained.

So I'm working on regaining my strength and catching up on sleep, even though the tryptophan, manicotti and other culinary trappings of my big, fat Italo-American Thanksgiving which takes place in four days time will wipe me out again. More as I'm coherent.

Oh, wait... here's just one thing: right alongside the crucial numbers of 1871 (the year the modern Italian state was formed) and 108.7 (the acreage of the Vatican City State), the Italian press seems keen to add the figure 34 (number of minutes Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi had in audience with Benedict XVI yesterday morning). They're almost hyperventilating about it, as they keep beating the drums for a battle royal over the modern circumstances of the Lateran Pacts.

And they best not tweak i Patti too much -- that's my family legacy on the line.
