Post-Synodal Apostolic Guessing Game

As an example, with All Saints' Day -- the traditional beginning of ecclesiastical winter -- just around the corner, the buzzing has begun as to whether B16 will return to the use of the camauro. If you don't know what the camauro is, it's the fur-lined thing on Good Blessed Pope John's head on the right. He absolutely loved the thing, he's even buried in it.
John Paul the Magnificent hated anything wintery because it got him too hot. John Paul I never got to wear anything wintery as he reigned but for a September. Povera chiesa.
A friend the other day passed along a Roman tale that the SCV ("Stato della Citta' dal Vaticano" -- Italian for "State of Vatican City") on the Holy See's license plates really meant "Se Cristo Vedesse" -- "If only Christ saw this."
God love my countrymen, for they have seen everything.

Whatever the case, word's come 'round the campfire that this Pope's vesture choices will not be executed by the traditional atelier of the Popes.
That's right, people -- Papa Ratzi ha smesso i Gammarelli.
Santa Claus!!!
Okay I'm going to hell now ...
Yes, Barry.
No seminarian, no matter how ultramontane, should EVER have possession, on seminary grounds, of an ermine-trimmed mozetta. Or a mozetta of any sort, for that matter.
Although I suspect a camauro, black and trimmed in sable, might pass muster. It wouldn't arrogate to an humble seminarian the dignity of prelatial vesture.
Even in J23's time the camauro was obselete it was specially revived by that pontiff because he was bald and needed to keep his head warm.
Pope Paul VI is now "Venerable." Why demote him to "Servant of God?"
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