Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The Electric Stove

To an anonymous reader on Lindell Boulevard: Come out, come out, whoever you are!

Every single day -- and I know this because I keep a religious eye on the numbers -- someone at the archdiocese of St. Louis Googles "Whispers in the Loggia."

To learn that this outlet has some role in building the Kingdom that is so important it requires a daily Google search at Chancery offices is, indeed, humbling. That's the kind of compliment I can't give myself.

Veiled Prophet of Khorassan, whoever you are, drop me a line and say hello.


On the topic of the Rome of the West, Jamie Allman is, indeed, unleashed. Archbishop Burke's spokesman emeritus returned to drive-time radio last week -- an event marked with a festival befitting the Second Coming. As Jamie = Ratings, it was an appropriate manner of celebration.

Jamie's got something cookin' on his radio site called "Jamie Allman's Electric Stove." It's home to the famous "Reading List." And, as further testament to truth being stranger than fiction, I'm now on that List.

Remember that this accolade comes after I used terms such as "domination" and "nuclear arsenal," among others, to describe Jamie's early months as spokesman. That he even speaks to me after that, let alone gives this work a public seal of approval, speaks volumes to Allman's integrity, humility and character.

It's an example some of his peers in diocesan communications would be well-advised to follow.



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