Grand Traditions

As Christmas at its happiest always entails a sense of home, as most of you are likely too aware, for this scribe that means this River City -- the wonder of my world and, beyond a doubt, the great love of my life.
What a year it's been for us here -- the end of everything we knew, and the beginning of a road ahead as different as it will easily, and quickly, prove itself better. Still, even for everything that's already changed, or shortly will, at least some things gratefully remain the same.
Ergo, from our home to yours -- and especially for all you expats missing the place in these days -- a rare clip of this town's most cherished Christmas tradition, the Wanamaker Light Show, in its pre-Macy's Extraordinary Form with the Dancing Waters...
...and as a bonus, its 100th Year drawing to its close, the Yuletide sounds of the heroic instrument that is "The City's Voice":
When it comes to grand traditions and Voices of Christmas, though, especially this year, we yield the last word to the greatest of them all... who many of us already miss so much:
PHOTO: Live Nativity at Race Street Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia
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