And Now, The Fun Part....

Still, we're not terribly off by much.
Again, gang, hope you and yours are still having a beautiful, joyous and Merry Christmas, with all its blessings, peace and good stuff.
As downtime seems to be on a Fire Sale these days -- things already blipping the wires, all set to go up in the very first days (even hours) of 2012 -- this scribe is taking a very needed breather while it's still possible and, admittedly, finally hitting the wall from this most intense of years.
So it seems, that was bound to happen sometime. Good thing it didn't wait 'til next week.
On a quick side-note, it was somewhat disconcerting to see "Goodbye Christmas" -- the technological equivalent of tossing out the tree? -- trending on Twitter in the last hours of the 25th.... Because, well, how can you say "goodbye" to something that just arrived?
Moral of the Story: we've gotta do a better job of living the Octaves as what they are -- namely, The Day X 8. In the meanwhile, with the functions and formalities now behind, simply being able to bask in the Bambino's sweetest stocking-stuffers -- the best of family and friends, good food and a bit more sleep than usual -- makes for the happiest part of this time of year, and hope you're getting to experience much of the same wherever you're at.
Lastly, one big reason why most of us look to and love these days as we do are the traditions they bring. And along those lines, the gear-up's already well underway for the happiest of 'em all....
And as there's at least one person out there who's been waiting to see these guys, release the wenches:
Church, what a year. And as that Gate begins to swing open again, here's to the best and brightest of everything in the next one.
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