On Silence
“Dear Brothers and Sisters!
In every age, men and women who have consecrated their lives to God in prayer – like monks and nuns – have established their communities in particularly beautiful places: in the countryside, on hilltops, in valleys, on the shores of lakes or the sea, or even on little islands. These places unite two elements which are very important for contemplative life: the beauty of creation, which recalls that of the Creator, and silence, which is guaranteed by living far from cities and the great means of communication. Silence is the environmental condition that most favors contemplation, listening to God and meditation. The very fact of experiencing silence and allowing ourselves to be “filled,” so to speak, with silence, disposes us to prayer. The great prophet, Elijah, on Mount Horeb – that is, Sinai – experienced strong winds, then an earthquake, and finally flashes of fire, but he did not recognize the voice of God in them; instead, he recognized it in a light breeze (cfr. 1 Rev 19:11-13). God speaks in silence, but we need to know how to listen. This is why monasteries are oases in which God speaks to humanity; and there we find the courtyard, a symbolic place because it is a closed space, but open toward heaven....
The world is filled with these oases of the spirit: some very ancient, others are more recent, while still others have been restored by new communities. Looking at things from a spiritual perspective, these places of the spirit are a load-bearing structure of the world! It is no accident that many people, especially in times of rest, visit these places and stop there for some days.
Even the soul, thanks be to God, has its needs!”
General Audience
Castel Gandolfo
10 August 2011

Back to the point, though, hope your soul's getting everything it needs in these days -- 'round here, that means catching up on sleep and wrapping up a 3,500-word mailer before Tuesday, when the curtain goes up on the global church's "Olympic event" -- the triennial World Youth Day, this time in Madrid -- with some previously unpublished texts.
In the meanwhile, buona domenica and a blessed, restful weekend to one and all....
Is it really the middle of August already?
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