Wednesday, March 09, 2011

The List Emerges

Their names not disclosed by the Philadelphia chancery, while purported slates identifying the 21 priests placed on administrative leave yesterday began circulating in local church circles within minutes of the announcement, the city's CBS affiliate has posted a list that's been confirmed by an anonymous source.

Their cases now to undergo a more extensive review, among the reported group are a former rector of the Cathedral-Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul who likewise served as vice-rector of St Charles Borromeo Seminary, Overbrook; a recent head of one of the Philadelphia church's six regional vicariates, the current head of a chancery office (at least, as of Monday), several well-regarded suburban pastors (two of whom were leading the twin parishes of the same high-profile town), a frequent contributor to the archdiocesan weekly, the Catholic Standard and Times, two priests ordained 60-plus years, and two clerics of religious orders.

According to reports, the men were given eight hours' notice to vacate their rectories on Monday. Banned from living on archdiocesan property for the duration of their respective leaves, at least initially, some found themselves with nowhere to go.

Members of the affected clerics' parishes were to learn the news from the pulpit at this Ash Wednesday's rites.

* * *
Meanwhile, in his first prominent public appearance in the month since a second grand jury report on his curia was released, here below is fullvid of Cardinal Justin Rigali's homily at today's noontime Mass:

And all the while, the ground just keeps on shaking....
