Nine Nights

Along those lines, with nine nights remaining until what's become the faith's biggest feast on this side of the border, two aspects -- at least, among many others -- of the Guadalupe "Super Bowl" tend to be overlooked among the chattering classes.
For starters, it's arguably the global church's most-prominent instance of ad orientem worship...
...and, for the other side, one often led by women:
y un otro...
Indeed, gang, something for everybody -- even the dormant... or, demographically speaking, the dead.
As the annual feast-week influx (usually numbering around 7 million pilgrims each year) begins to converge on the Tepeyac Shrine in Mexico City, on this side of the border the yearly round of mass-celebrations for the "Empress of the Americas" likewise gets underway this weekend in no shortage of venues, the biggest of them -- at least, until the 12th Itself -- coming again on Sunday with the annual procession of some 40,000 Guadalupanos through East Los Angeles, culminating with an outdoor Stadium Eucharist.
In a historic twist, however, in his final year at the helm the city's cardinal-archbishop will be absent from this year's East LA fiesta, leaving its celebration duties to his Mexican-born successor at the helm of the largest diocese the Stateside church has ever known -- 5 million members in all... nearly three-fourths of them Hispanic.
Que baile el futuro de la iglesia del norte:
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