Four Martyrs... 30 Years On

The attack on Maryknoll Sisters Ita Ford and Maura Clarke, Ursuline Sister Dorothy Kazel and Jean Donovan -- a 27 year-old Cleveland laywoman who left a career in management consulting to heed the call to the missions -- began when they were stopped by National Guardsmen at a roadblock, and ended as their bodies were tossed into a shallow grave (from which, on learning the news, friends came to remove them).
Investigations following the decade-long war concluded that the four churchwomen were deliberatedly targeted, and that they had been killed "on orders from above."
Thirty years later, the tragedy is being recalled far and wide -- the Maryknoll family is marking the milestone in El Salvador today alongside events in Washington and New York, Masses are being held from LA to London, a pilgrimage has set off to pray today at the gravesite of two of the sisters... and earlier in the week, colleagues recalled the heroic work and ultimate sacrifice of the four, whose work ranged from catechesis and setting up health-care efforts to teaching the poor to read, and even, simply, how to speak.

In a haunting letter written shortly before the attack, the Brooklyn-born Ford wrote that she found her "fear of death being challenged constantly as children, lovely young girls, old people are being shot and some cut up with machetes and bodies thrown by the road and people prohibited from burying them.

Known or not, may all the martyrs know that new life... and may we who remain -- especially for those of us accustomed to a life of relative comfort and safety -- never forget the axiom of the faith's earliest days: that their blood is the seed of this church.
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